Accept your study offer by logging into the UCT self-service website using your student number and password. Pay your fees in advance to avoid any delays to class enrolment.
Apply for your visa. This can take 12 weeks or longer, particularly at times of peak demand or at the end of the year when many embassies close for the holidays. Apply as soon as you accept your study offer to avoid processing delays.
Study visa: When you receive your study visa, check that is covers the full duration of your programme of study. If not, consult the South Africa Embassy or Consulate immediately, before travelling to South Africa.
Prepare your documents for travel.
Is your passport valid for the full duration of your intended stay in South Africa? Is the name in your passport the same as that in your UCT study offer and Letter of Undertaking in support of your visa?
Immigration and customs officials may ask for copies of documents to verify your visa and immigration status on arrival.
You should prepare copies of the following documents and keep these in your hand luggage for easy access:
UCT study offer letter
UCT Letter of Undertaking in support of your visa

Insurance and Medical Aid
All international students need to purchase medical aid cover from a medical aid scheme registered with the South African Council of Medical Aid Schemes when you apply for a study visa. This should be for the full duration of your study programme and intended stay in South Africa.
We recommend two schemes as providing good medical cover and value for money:
Compcare Wellness
Momentum Medical Aid Life Cover
We strongly recommend you purchase insurance for your personal property such as phones, laptops and cameras, as well as travel insurance for lost luggage or having to rebook your ticket.
Keep your medical aid details with you at all times. You will need them if you fall ill or meet with an accident.

Travel and Airport Transfer
The Semester Study Abroad programme runs from the first day of Orientation to the last day of the exam period. Plan your travel around the start and end dates of the semester.
Submit your flight information and we will range transfer from the airport on arrival to your accommodation in Cape Town.